Georgia State Election Board Member Dr. Jan Johnston outlining the 140 + violations of Georgia Election Code by Fulton County in the November 2020 election. Her original motions were to:

  • Amend all election records and Risk Limiting Audit totals to reflect the correct totals;
  • Request the SOS to invalidate 17,852 certified votes that have no ballot images or identify and authenticate the source of the ballots for those votes;
  • Request the SOS to expunge the 20,713 votes that have no source tabulator or to authenticate where the votes originated;
  • Refer the evidence to the Attorney General for investigation and prosecution;
  • Recommend a monitor team to oversee the Fulton Co 2024 election.

The motion was not seconded. A subsequent motion to “reprimand” Fulton County was passed. We’ve been to SEB hearings where minor infractions of a single statute are referred to the Attorney General for further action. Here, there were over 140 violations of statutes and only a reprimand is approved.