It’s been two weeks since a court hearing revealed that the system admin password and encryption hashes for Georgia’s electronic voting system have been exposed, potentially affecting multiple states. The silence from the media is deafening.

Since August 2023, we have attended every State Election Board (SEB) meeting.  Many election integrity activists have been participating for over four years or more. Throughout this time, we have consistently highlighted the injuries and violations impacting the people of Georgia. We have approached our county Board of Elections, engaged with our legislators, and even spoken to the governor, who bluntly stated, “You give anybody a voting machine and they can hack it.”

Meanwhile, the Secretary of State evades serious inquiries and refuses to answer questions from state senators or appear in court. Despite presenting evidence of law violations, we see minimal action. Yes, some legislation has been passed and rules adopted, but the core issues remain unresolved after four years:

  1. Insecure Voting System: We still rely on a non-compliant voting system that hasn’t been updated since its installation in 2020. Testimony in state and federal courts has confirmed that this system has “no security” and was even hacked in front of a federal judge. Alarmingly, the system admin password is so widely known that it has become a joke—emblazoned on t-shirts across the state.
  2. Bloated Voter Rolls: Our voter registration lists are inflated and manipulated centrally. Many counties report registration percentages exceeding the number of eligible voters. Irregularities indicating synthetic identity theft have been found in voter rolls during the 2018, 2020, 2022, and even 2024 primaries.
  3. Violations of Election Laws: Our state and federal election laws are being breached at every level—from county offices to the Secretary of State’s office—yet no enforcement actions have been taken.

All branches of government—executive, legislative, and judicial—have been kicking this proverbial can down the road. As a result, we find ourselves in a state of lawlessness. Regardless of what happens in 30 days, neither side will be satisfied, leading us to repeat this cycle once again. We are indeed in an “impracticable” situation. The only practical remedy remains clear:

  • Implement Emergency Paper Poll Books as per GA Rules & Regs 183-1-12-19.
  • Use Emergency Paper Ballots according to OCGA 21-2-281, 21-2-290, 21-2-334.
  • Provide one Ballot Marking Device (touchscreen) for each precinct for accessibility and ensure a tabulator count on election day.
  • Conduct a full hand count before certification, as mandated by OCGA 21-2-334, 21-2-437, 21-2-493.

According to OCGA 21-2-70-15:

  • Election workers must certify,
  • Prevent fraud, deceit & abuse,
  • Ensure “True & Perfect” returns.

I am not writing this to discourage anyone; we must all VOTE. However, it is crucial for all Georgians to be informed and engaged on these issues. The people must reclaim control usurped by foreign corporations and special interests who have centralized the process to dominate.  It’s our sovereignty duty to check the government from the bottom up and restore trust in our electoral process.

Field Searcy is co-founder of, a grassroots volunteer effort to bring election integrity to Georgia. Go to @georgians4truth on X or Rumble.

Last week, CISA and the FBI have issued a new warning about the vulnerability of our electronic voting system due to denial of service cyberattacks that could effect our elections. Previously CISA, Department of Homeland Security, Halderman, and 29 other election cybersecurity experts have issued warnings about the security and vulnerability of Georgia’s electronic voting system. On Tuesday, Georgians For Truth submitted a letter to the SEB requesting them to use existing law to mandate Emergency Paper Poll Books, Emergency Paper Ballots, and performing a full hand count before certification.  This letter was cc’d to Governor Kemp, Lt. Governor Jones, SOS Raffensperger, Speaker of the House Burns, and Senate Pro Tempor Kennedy.  Download the letter and share with your elected representatives at the local and state level.  It’s not too late to implement this solution which is already State Law.

The August 6th and 7th were watershed days for election integrity efforts at the Georgia State Election Board meeting.  We estimate between 300-400 people were in attendance. There were 3 overflow rooms filled and people sitting in the bannister / walkways of the Capitol.  Several petitions were passed for rule-making. Now, the rules have to be crafted and reviewed at the next board meeting for adoption, then a 30 day public comment period.  These are the most significant improvements for election integrity that we’ve seen from the SEB in years.  Thanks to the new board members King and Jeffares, and of course, Dr. Johnston for making this happen. The following is a breakdown.    

  • Additional poll watchers allowed at central tabulation centers
  • Additional chain of custody tracking for mailed absentee ballots
  • BoE allowed to do reasonable inquiry before election certification
  • Preservation of memory cards as part of official election records
  • Non citizen signage may be placed at discretion of county
  • Counties required to post number of daily voters at precinct

The most important decision was the referral of the Rossi/Moncla Case #SEB2023-025 to the Attorney General for criminal investigation in a 3-2 vote.  The case involves now over 346 violations of Georgia Election Code by Fulton County in the 2020 election.  The AG has 30 days to respond. Video starts at 6:26 at the point of discussion on reopening the case. Watch the video below for the blow by blow.

Summary of press conference held at Georgia State Capitol – “Citizens Declare State of Emergency with Georgia Election System. Watch video for full details. PDF of slides presented follows the summary.

Video courtesy of Ted Metz with Operation Educate

On August 6, 2024, a group of concerned citizens and election integrity advocates held a press conference at the Georgia State Capitol to declare a state of emergency with the state’s election system. They presented a wealth of evidence and expert testimony that exposed the flaws, vulnerabilities, and irregularities of the Georgia electronic voting system and the voter rolls that have plagued Georgia’s elections since 2020. They also proposed a simple and feasible solution: to use emergency paper poll books and ballots, and conduct a full hand count before certification, as allowed by the state law.

The press conference featured speakers such as Joe Rossi, a plaintiff in a case submitted to the State Election Board, who revealed how Fulton County electronically altered the election results by duplicating and counting thousands of ballots twice; Kim Brooks, a data analyst who showed how the voter rolls are manipulated with synthetic identity theft, double votes, inserted votes, and swapped votes; Amanda Prettyman, covered Bob Coovert’s work in exposing how Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger lied to Congress and the public about a forensic audit of the voting machines that never happened; Field Searcy, who highlighted the numerous security warnings and reports that have been issued by federal agencies and experts about the cyber vulnerabilities; and Beth McCure, who explained how the system violates the state and federal laws and the Constitution, and how the officials who have sworn to uphold them have committed treason by covering up the crimes.  Garland Favorito summed up the press conference with 15 reasons that Georgia’s Election system is in a State of Emergency.

The evidence and arguments presented by these speakers are compelling and alarming. They show that Georgia’s election system is in a state of emergency, and that the public cannot trust the outcomes of the elections that are conducted with the electronic voting machines and the corrupted voter rolls. They also show that the state officials, from the Governor to the Secretary of State to the Inspector General, have failed to protect the rights and interests of the voters, and have instead colluded with the foreign-owned company that has a vested interest in manipulating the elections. They have betrayed their oaths of office and the people of Georgia.

Georgia needs to take immediate and decisive action to restore the integrity and confidence of its elections. We urge the Governor and the State Election Board to declare a state of emergency and implement the solution proposed by the speakers: to use emergency paper poll books and ballots, and conduct a full hand count before certification, for the upcoming elections and until a new and secure system is in place. We also urge the Attorney General and the Department of Justice to launch a criminal investigation into the fraud and treason that have been committed by the state officials and county officials. We also urge the voters of Georgia to demand accountability and transparency from their elected representatives, and to exercise their right to vote with vigilance and courage.

Georgia’s election system is in crisis, but it is not too late to fix it. The solution is simple, legal, and feasible. It is also the only way to ensure that the will of the people is respected and that the elections are free, fair and accurate. We cannot afford to ignore the evidence and the warnings. We cannot afford to let our constitutional republic be hijacked by foreign interests and corrupt officials. We cannot afford to lose our trust and our voice. We must act now, before it is too late.

Georgia citizens to hold press conference at State Board Election meeting to expose evidence of fraud, including widespread voter roll manipulation happening RIGHT NOW, and demand action ahead of 2024 Presidential Election

ATLANTA, AUGUST 5, 2024 – The Georgia State Election Board will meet on Tuesday 8/6 and grassroots citizens will be there, once again, in mass to ensure more action is taken to secure the Georgia election system before November. For the last 3.5 years, everyday average Georgians have been forced to do the job our elected officials refuse to do: investigate and verify credible allegations of fraud, error, and election code violations, and identify solutions to make sure it can’t happen again.

The investigation of case #SEB2023-25, brought by Joe Rossi and Kevin Moncla is on the agenda again at this Tuesday’s State Election Board meeting. In an X post, Moncla writes, “We have introduced new evidence that thousands of ballots were individually selected from multiple batches and scanned for the second time days after they were scanned for the first time. Thousands of counts of evidenced and meticulously documented 2020 election fraud. FACT.”

Citizens will hold a press conference outside the SEB meeting, not only to discuss the Rossi / Moncla case, but to also expose how utterly corrupted Georgia’s voter rolls are, despite Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger falsely claiming the contrary. Widespread voter roll manipulation has been discovered from 2020, 2022, and 2024 in over 30 counties so far. Our experts will present detailed, irrefutable examples of invalid, inexplicable and illegal voter roll entries. We urge the media to attend, and we encourage the media to verify these facts independently.

The stakes couldn’t be higher. Early voting in Georgia begins in 2.5 months. Time is of the essence, this is a state of emergency.

The SEB meeting starts at 9:00am, Tuesday, August 6th. The press conference will begin at 1:00pm on the South Wing steps inside the Gold Dome.

Sam Carnline – Citizens Declare State of Emergency with Georgia Election System
Joe Rossi – SEB2023-025 Rossi/Moncla
Kim Brooks/Helen Strahl – Voter Roll Manipulation
Amanda Prettyman – Failure to Audit Machines / failure to follow State Law by SOS
Field Searcy – Warning from: CISA, DHS, Halderman, 29 cybersecurity experts
Garland Favorito – VoterGA, Where we stand
Beth Mecure – Emergency Remedy: Paper Poll Books & Ballots, Full Hand Count, Duty to Certify
Sam Carnline – Close “My Country Tis of Thee”


DATE: Tuesday, August 6, 2024

TIME: 1:00pm – 2:00pm

LOCATION: GA State Capitol, South Wing steps

DETAILS: Organizers of the press conference and speakers will be
available for interviews. Please send inquiries and/or questions to for more information.


Note: Advance control in top left to select the 3rd video, State Elections Board 07.09.24

By Field Searcy
July 14, 2024

At the July 9th Georgia State Election Board meeting in Atlanta, election integrity proponents celebrated a notable triumph. The primary room, CAP 341, reached full occupancy, prompting the need for two extra overflow rooms to house people coming from all over Georgia including Savannah and Cairo. More than 50 participants registered to speak during the half-hour public comment period, which the chairman kindly extended to give each person an opportunity to talk.

Dr. Jan Johnston initiated the meeting with a proposal to revisit SEB2023-025, the Rossi/Moncla case, entailing over 140 electoral law breaches in Fulton County during the 2020 election, following an inquiry by the Secretary of State’s office.

During the last SEB meeting in May, the SOS Investigative team suggested sending the case for a criminal investigation to the Attorney General. Dr. Johnston’s proposal to change the voting record for 41,691 ballots that lacked images, tabulator tapes, or were counted twice and send the case to the Attorney General did not receive support. A rebuttal by the complainants was not allowed –– a standard practice for the board in previous cases.  Former board member Ed Lindsey’s later proposal to reprimand Fulton County and set up an independent observer for the November 2024 election was adopted.

Chairman Fervier ruled Dr. Johnston’s motion to reconsider out of order, resulting in a tense exchange. Subsequently, the board entered an Executive Session for potential litigation issues and resumed after half an hour. Upon reconvening, Dr. Johnston managed to pass a motion granting 30 minutes to complainants or their proxies for rebuttals during the public commentary. 

VoterGA’s Garland Favorito and complainants’ attorney Harry McDougal countered, detailing the case and having experts discuss Fulton County’s 2020 election issues with missing ballots, custody processes, and technical errors. Despite board member Sara Ghazal’s diversions, new member Janelle King made relevant inquiries. The board deferred a decision until the August SEB meeting, allowing time to assess the legalities of reopening the case.  A monitoring agreement for Fulton County has not been reached.

Additionally, the board considered two rule making petitions related to bolstering the integrity of elections. The first petition clarified existing rules to ensure uniformity across all 159 counties in releasing election documentation necessary for certifying results, which was approved with a 3-2 vote. The second petition aimed to reinstate the counting of paper ballots from tabulators at precincts on election night, ensuring they tally with the voter count, and this was unanimously passed 4-0.

UPDATE: An emergency meeting was convened late last Friday by the Georgia State Election Board. This came about because the board’s Tuesday’s meeting went into recess without being formally adjourned, creating a risk that actions taken that day might be invalidated. Most matters have been deferred to the August SEB meeting. However, two minor rule modifications were passed to enhance transparency and ensure the uniform application of rules across all counties. These include allowing more poll watchers in central tabulation centers and mandating that all counties publicly display their daily total of voters, for both walk-in and absentee voting, either at the election office entrance or on the county website—a practice many counties already adhere to. The new regulation insists on this course of action for all counties to guarantee uniformity.

Field Searcy is co-founder of, a grassroots volunteer effort to bring election integrity to Georgia. Visit for video from both sessions.

Last week, the Democracy Defense Project, a group of former Georgia governors and officials, launched a media campaign to assure Georgia voters that our election system is safe and secure. They claim voting machines are reliable and verifiable. However, they are either misinformed or misleading the public. Georgia has an election system that is “tore up from the floor up”. Let’s review the facts and the evidence.

Ongoing Court Case on Unsecure Electronic Voting

Georgians are waiting for a decision from Judge Amy Totenberg on the case Curling vs. Raffensperger. This case, which started seven years ago, called for the removal of the old Diebold voting machines and now includes the newer Dominion machines. During the trial, an expert witness hacked an election machine in front of the judge using just a pen. The Secretary of State’s (SOS) office admitted they have outsourced cybersecurity. Judge Totenberg has previously ruled that the voting system is unverifiable and breaks two Georgia laws. Despite warnings from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and other agencies, no updates have been made in four years. We’re still using the same machines, and even Governor Kemp admitted “you give anyone a voting machine and they can hack it”.

Election Law Violations

Recently, the Georgia State Election Board reviewed case #SEB2023-025, which found over 140 violations of Georgia Election Code by Fulton County in the 2020 election. They recommended a criminal investigation. Board member Dr. Janice Johnston said the election should not have been certified. The best the board could do was reprimand Fulton County and appoint a monitor. The Georgia GOP State Committee also reprimanded the board and demanded action from the Attorney General. It’s unclear if the board will reopen the case.

SOS Malfeasance and Voter Roll Manipulation

In the Lovell/Tullos et al vs. Raffensperger case, plaintiffs argued that Georgia election officials failed to follow laws and duties regarding elections. Two amicus briefs were filed as evidence. The Coovert brief showed that the SOS never conducted a 2020 machine audit as claimed. The Brooks/Strahl brief found evidence of massive synthetic identity theft and voter roll manipulation over the past ten years. This manipulation continued in 2022 and is happening now in 2024, involving tens of thousands of fraudulent voter roll changes summarized in this fraud report.

What Can Citizens Do?

There is a lot of evidence showing problems with Georgia’s election system, but not all court cases have been tried, and not all legal arguments have been heard. Georgia voters are still being injured and rights are being violated by this flawed system. Our judicial, executive, and legislative systems seem compromised as they have failed to address these issues. What can citizens do? Get informed, get the facts, and get engaged. We must hold accountable the officials who have violated the law and the public trust. This is the only way to restore election integrity and confidence in Georgia. Change will only happen if YOU get involved.

Field Searcy is co-founder of, a grassroots volunteer effort to bring election integrity to Georgia elections.

UPDATE 6.29.2024 – Official email from Georgia GOP below in PDF format.

Cairo, GA (June 6, 2024)
 – At the Georgia Republican Party State Committee meeting preceding the state convention held on May 18th, a resolution introduced by Sam Carnline, co-founder of and Georgia GOP State Committeeman, was passed unanimously by the committee members. The resolution expresses grave concerns over irregularities in the 2020 presidential election in Fulton County that were outlined in case #SEB2023-025 discussed by the Georgia State Election Board on May 7, 2024. Over 140 violations of Georgia Election Code were cited in the case. As detailed by State Election Board Member Dr. Jan Johnston, the irregularities included:

  • 17,852 certified votes lacking ballot images or unidentified sources
  • 20,713 votes with no identifiable source tabulator
  • Failure to properly amend election records and audit totals

Notably, the margin of victory in the 2020 Georgia presidential election was just over 11,000 votes. Dr. Johnston stated that the Fulton County election results should not have been certified and motioned for the State Election Board to take the following actions:

  • Amend all election records and Risk Limiting Audit totals to reflect the correct totals
  • Request the Secretary of State to invalidate 17,852 certified votes that have no ballot images or identify and authenticate the source of the ballots for those votes
  • Request the Secretary of State to expunge the 20,713 votes that have no source tabulator or to authenticate where the votes originated
  • Refer the evidence to the Attorney General for investigation and prosecution
  • Recommend a monitor team to oversee the 2024 election in Fulton County

However, the State Election Board failed to enforce election laws and address these irregularities except with a mere reprimand. The resolution passed by the Georgia GOP State Committee:

  • Expresses grave concerns over the 2020 Fulton County election irregularities
  • Supports Dr. Johnston’s motions to address these violations
  • Calls for reprimand of the State Election Board for failure to uphold laws
  • Demands the Georgia Attorney General investigate these matters
  • Recommends stringent 2024 election monitoring in Fulton County

“With a razor-thin margin of just over 11,000 votes deciding the 2020 presidential election in Georgia, the irregularities in Fulton County simply cannot be ignored,” said Carnline. “The Georgia Republican Party will not stand by while evidence of election violations is disregarded by the very authorities meant to uphold election integrity.” The resolution will be distributed as a press release to all media outlets in Georgia, with copies provided to the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, and members of the Georgia General Assembly.

About is a non-partisan organization dedicated to ensuring free, fair, and transparent elections in Georgia through advocacy and public education.

Resolution on 2020 Election Irregularities in Fulton County

WHEREAS, the Georgia State Election Board discussed case #SEB2023-025 on May 7, 2024, outlining over 140 violations of the Georgia Election Code by Fulton County in the November 2020 election; and

WHEREAS, State Election Board Member Dr. Jan Johnston detailed:

  • 17,852 certified votes lacking ballot images or unidentified sources
  • 20,713 votes with no identifiable source tabulator
  • Failure to properly amend election records and audit totals

WHEREAS, Dr. Johnston motioned to amend records, invalidate or authenticate problematic votes, refer evidence for investigation, and recommend monitors for 2024 Fulton elections; and

WHEREAS, the State Election Board failed to enforce election laws and address these irregularities;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Georgia Republican Party:

  1. Expresses grave concerns over the 2020 Fulton County election irregularities
  2. Supports Dr. Johnston’s motions to address these violations
  3. Calls for reprimand of the State Election Board for failure to uphold laws
  4. Demands the Georgia Attorney General investigate these matters
  5. Recommends stringent 2024 election monitoring in Fulton County

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED to distribute this resolution as a press release to all media, and provide copies to Georgia’s Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, and General Assembly members.


Georgia State Election Board Member Dr. Jan Johnston outlining the 140 + violations of Georgia Election Code by Fulton County in the November 2020 election. Her original motions were to:

  • Amend all election records and Risk Limiting Audit totals to reflect the correct totals;
  • Request the SOS to invalidate 17,852 certified votes that have no ballot images or identify and authenticate the source of the ballots for those votes;
  • Request the SOS to expunge the 20,713 votes that have no source tabulator or to authenticate where the votes originated;
  • Refer the evidence to the Attorney General for investigation and prosecution;
  • Recommend a monitor team to oversee the Fulton Co 2024 election.

The motion was not seconded. A subsequent motion to “reprimand” Fulton County was passed. We’ve been to SEB hearings where minor infractions of a single statute are referred to the Attorney General for further action. Here, there were over 140 violations of statutes and only a reprimand is approved.