Author: Georgians For Truth
Watch and share with your legislators. Download the PDF below.
At the August 1, 2023 Georgia State Election board, there was an overflow attendance of election integrity patriots from around the state. It was standing room only and some attendees had to go to another building to watch the proceedings. In addition, around 50 people signed up for public comments. From all reports, this had never been seen before at a State Election Board meeting. Keep in mind, this was only weeks after the Halderman Report had been released in the Curling v. Raffensperger case after having been sealed for two years. You can watch the entire meeting here.
00:59:48 Opening polytheistic prayer by Chairman Duffy
02:26:00 Public Comments

- Call your County Commissioners
- Call your State Representative and State Senator
- Call State Government Leadership:
- Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger
- Speaker of the House Jon Burns
- Representative Max Burns, House Ethics & Election Integrity
- Representative Mandi Ballinger, House Rules
- Representative Richard Smith, House Rules
- Senate Majority Leader Steve Gooch
- Senator Frank Ginn, Senate Rules
- Senator Matt Brass, Senate Rules
- Lt. Governor Bert Jones
- Governor Brian Kemp
- Get your County Commissioners to call them as well.
Tell them we need a Special Legislative Session this year, to require all counties to use security grade, hand-marked, hand-counted (including absentee) ballots at the precinct on election day publicly recorded and transparent to the people. Electronic voting system cannot be patched. We need you to put trust back into OUR elections and OUR vote.
Links to find your state representative and state senator. Download this handy sheet to call the leadership a few each day of the week. Volunteer by joining our grassroots team from all over the state.
Another way to contact your representatives is through VoterGA’s Save Georgia’s 2024 Election. This tool allows you to send a direct email to your state representative, state senator, Lt. Governor and Governor calling for a Special Session. Then, it will help you make calls to their offices.
Investigators in Williamson County, Tennessee reviewed the system log (SLOG) files which keep a diary of the scans of ballots for the election. The investigation showed multiple instances of an error called a “QR code Signature mismatch” with a warning message of “Ballot format or id is unrecognizable”. Testers noticed that the machines counted the votes properly until the error was triggered. After the error was triggered, the current ballot in the machine was not counted and every ballot after it was not counted – until the machine was reset. This error was replicated and substantiated by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission Investigation. To date, this problem has not been fixed in any of the software updates. Read more at What does that have to do with Grady County?
769 Instances of Williamson error in Grady County 2022 Election obtained the SLOG files for the Grady County 2022 General Election. Below is a screenshot from the SLOG file indicating the software running on the electronic voting system.

After inspecting the Grady County SLOG file from 2022 for the error “QR code Signature mismatch”, the search resulted in 769 instances. This error condition exists until the scanner is reset. Download the Grady SLOG file (SLOGORR.pdf).

Grady County and Georgia Utilizing Outdated Unsecure Election Software
Note that the software version above was released in July 2018. Since that time, there have been 4 software updates to correct cybersecurity vulnerabilities and remove the unreadable and unlawful QR code that is tabulated for our votes.
What does this mean for Grady County? We have an electronic voting system that is too complex and full of holes. The Williamson Error combined with previously submitted Grady County Petition only increases the voters loss of TRUST. The petition revealed the unlawful QR code which is unreadable to the human eye; lack of software maintenance; and multiple cybersecurity vulnerabilities. We have more than enough reason to abandon and move to a security grade hand marked paper ballot, hand counted at the precinct, like we used to do. Call your County Commissioner, State Representative, State Senator, Lt Governor, and Governor. Get your County Commissioner to call them as well.
For more information, visit Download PDF version below:
A group of Concerned Citizens of Grady County have been appealing to the above-named entities and parties. We wish to enter the facts into the public record of Grady County, for consideration by the public to support our endeavors to correct deficiencies in our voting process. The following facts are presented in an appeal for you to take action to protect and secure our elections. We demand legal, secure, accurate, and transparent elections.
Voters on all sides of the political spectrum have been raising concerns about electronic voting since its inception in the early 2000’s. Upon discovery of the following outlined vulnerabilities and election security issues, it is incumbent upon the elected representatives of Grady County to provide for secure and transparent elections. Counties need to decentralize the process, the poll books, and the counting. - UNREADABLE QR CODE IS UNLAWFUL SOFTWARE / HARDWARE
Official Code of Georgia O.C.G.A. § 21-2-300(a)(2) mandates voting on “electronic ballot markers” that …(2) produce paper ballots which are marked with the elector’s choice in a format readable by the elector”. Pursuant to an OPINION AND ORDER by US District Judge Amy Totenberg in Curling vs Raffensperger, dated October 11, 2020, the current electronic voting system in Georgia utilizing the Dominion ballot marking devices (BMD), scanning equipment and software violates Georgia Statute by utilizing “an unencrypted, humanly unverifiable QR code that can be subject to external manipulation and does not allow proper voter verification and ballot vote auditing.” This humanly unreadable QR code negates the voters right to know exactly how their vote is tabulated and undermines transparency and trust in the process and renders their use impracticable. - OUTDATED UNSECURE SOFTWARE – MAINTENANCE & ADVISORY NEGLIGENCE
The electronic voting machines in Georgia continue to run on the original software suite approved by Election Assistance Commission (EAC) in 2019. Since that time, four (4) software upgrades have been approved by the EAC that address security vulnerabilities and provide the option to remove illegal QR code used for tabulation of votes. - CYBERSECURITY VULNERABILITIES NOT MITIGATED
The Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) Advisory has recommended upgrading the Dominion software on 6/3/2022. The Halderman Report released 6/2023, a report held secret for almost 2 years, provides damning evidence of the vulnerability of the Dominion ImageCast X Ballot Marking Devices (ICX BMD). The Secretary of State defended his inaction based on the MITRE Report. This was followed by a letter from 29 cyber security experts demanding a retraction of MITRE Report as a dangerous and misleading risk assessment. - SECRETARY OF STATE REFUSAL TO ACT
Dominion software updates were released in 2019, 2020, 2022 and 2023, yet there’s been no effort to install. SOS Raffensperger has known of the Halderman Report since 10/2020. In addition, the SOS has had the CISA Advisory since 6/3/2022. The failure to implement the EAC approved software updates and correct the vulnerabilities is ongoing. In fact, based on these third-party reports and advisories on the security of the software, the SOS might be guilty of violating O.C.G.A. 21-2-324 and 21-2-379.24. Further, municipalities are to “provide voting machines in good working order” per O.C.G.A 21-2-323. The election superintendent, Board of Registrars, Board of Commissioners may be complicit of wrongdoing by certifying future elections that lack appropriate cybersecurity updates. - VOTER ROLL MANIPULATION/IRREGULARITIES/ISSUES
The current SOS centralized voter roll system GARVIS has been found to have significant deficiencies and irregularities. Evidence suggests manipulation of voter records across the state. This can lead to voting irregularities allowing larger counties to cancel out the accuracy of the smaller counties.
O.C.G.A. 21-2-334 provides “If a method of nomination or election for any candidate or office, or of voting on any question is prescribed by law, in which the use of voting machines is not possible or practicable, or in case, at any primary or election, the number of candidates seeking nomination or nominated for any office renders the use of voting machines for such office at such primary or election impracticable, or if, for any other reason, at any primary or election the use of voting machines wholly or in part is not practicable, the superintendent may arrange to have the voting for such candidates or offices or for such questions conducted by paper ballots.” See independent legal opinion from Bernard & Johnson. - OATH OF OFFICE, DUTY TO CERTIFY AS ACCURATE
Current O.C.G.A. provides for hand counting in both O.C.G.A. 21-2-334 and O.C.G.A. 21-2-493. It is the duty of the Election Superintendent to certify the elections of Grady County are accurate.
For sources referenced in this appeal, visit Downloadable PDF Version below:
Since 2021, Georgia Patriots have analyzed Georgia Secretary of State files. This video discusses massive manipulation of ballots, votes, and voter rolls all outside the County Election office’s knowledge. It also discusses the current, completely corrupted GARVIS database.
Breaking news this week has given us an opportunity for your first action item. The long awaited Halderman Security Analysis, which was prepared for the Curling v. Raffensperger Civil Action has been released. This report held secret for almost 2 years provides damning evidence of the vulnerability of the Dominion ImageCast X Ballot Marking Devices (ICX BMD).
I draw your attention to pages 4-7 that provide Principal Findings and Main Conclusions. Dr. Halderman is professor of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Michigan, where he is also director of the Center for Computer Security & Society. In summary, the key takeaway is this:
“My technical findings leave Georgia voters with greatly diminished grounds to be confident that the votes they cast on the ICX BMD are secured, that their votes will be counted correctly, or that any future elections conducted using Georgia’s universal-BMD system will be reasonably secure from attack and produce the correct results. No grand conspiracies would be necessary to commit large-scale fraud, but rather only moderate technical skills of the kind that attackers who are likely to target Georgia’s elections already possess. Unfortunately, even if such an attack never comes, the fact that Georgia’s BMDs are so vulnerable is all but certain to be exploited by partisan actors to suppress voter participation and cast doubt on the legitimacy of election results.” ~ Professor J. Alex Halderman, Ph.D.
Download the full 96-page report here. Watch a short video of Garland Favorito of VoterGA explaining the background on the report and the key takeaways. From the 27 minute point